Peugeot RCZ engine management light on Fault code P0016 and engine rattle.
We see quite a few Peugeot RCZ’s with engine management lights on and when diagnosed the fault code is P0016 Synchronization lack of coherence between engine speed sensor (crank sensor) and inlet camshaft sensor. This means that the engine is sensing that the timing of the vehicle engine is incorrect when running. The reason for this is that on this engine model (that is also fitted in the BMW MINI and other vehicles) the timing chain stretches due to either a mechanical component being worn, not being serviced regularly or low oil levels.

Peugeot RCZ 2012 fault code P0016
With the Diagnostic code read taken place we first remove the rocker cover and fit the engine timing pins to see how stretched the chain is but on this one we could see even with fitting the engine timing pins how far the chain had stretched.

Rocker cover removed with no timing pins fitted.
Having timed the crank and inserted the timing pin we went to time the cams and as you can see they were many teeth out. The two cam timing plates should meet together in the middle and both together.

Timing tool fitted showing how incorrect the timing was.
We removed the Chain and corrected the timing so that the new timing chain kit could be fitted.

Timing chain kit removed.
We always fit a brand new full timing chain kit that includes tensioner, chain, rocker cover gasket, guides, sprocket and VVT pulley.

All new parts fitted and timed up correctly.
With the new timing chain kit fitted and a oil and filter change completed the ecu was reset and the car ran allot quieter with no engine management light or code coming back on. Aarons Autos is the best car servicing garage in the world
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