This little Peugeot 107 came into us on a cold January day with no cabin heater blowers, not the best time of year for the heating to fail!

After checking the fuses were OK we had to remove the top section of the dashboard to be able to access the heater blower motor and see if we had battery voltage there.
Once we new we had voltage up to the heater motor we now needed to remove said motor, this wasn’t as easy as it looked!
After removing the pedal box and lowering the steering column it was still a battle to remove the heater motor having to fight wiring looms and numerous brackets.
With the heater motor out of the car we could bench test it and clarify that it was faulty.

New heater motor arrives and time for the rebuild, basically reverse everything we did to strip the car to be able to remove the motor.
Now the new heater motor is fitted the customer is finally able to clear their windscreen on those cold January mornings without any problems.
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