When you are looking at leasing a car there are many things to consider, one of the most important of those is cost!
So you have bartered with the sales rep to get the best price for your new lease car and now you know how much the monthly costs will be, but then most dealers or lease companies will try to tie you into a service plan with them to increase there profits on the sale.

Most lease cars either on Business Contract or Personal Contract do NOT have to be serviced at the main dealer, you can find this information out by contacting your lease company or checking your lease contract.
There is a law which stops main dealers forcing customers to use their services and as long as the car is serviced to the same specified schedule and genuine or OE parts are used it will not affect your warranty or your lease contract, this law is called ‘Block Exemption‘.
When it comes to cost an independent garage is on average 30-50% cheaper than the main dealer, so over a three year lease period you could save quite a bit of money.
If you are interested in finding out more about lease car servicing give us a call on 01332 205070 or drop us an email to dave@aaronsautos.co.uk