Daily Archives: March 9, 2015

A Big Thank You To Our Sponsors.

We would like to say a big thank you to all of our sponsors new and old for their continued support in 2015 of our race team Norfolk n Chance, without their kind donations this race team would be little more than a dream.

We will be racing in a new series this year which is the 750 Motor Clubs Roadsports series, again it consists of 7 gruelling 45 minute endurance races with a 20 minute qualifying sessions.

The first race will be at Donington Park on the 28th March, but unfortunately Aaron will be racing solo as Dave is still injured and unable to race (not a happy fellow) updates of the race will be posted on our Facebook page so that sponsors and friends can keep up to date with the action.

Wilkinsons Coachworks Aarons Autos

Please click on the Logos to find out more about our sponsors.

MJ Boyce Aarons Autos

Fast Away Services Aarons AutosHB Group Holdings Aarons Autos11046667_405665249609286_2823623551628250749_n