Monthly Archives: March 2015

Pot holes getting worse in Derby!

The RAC has reported an 82% increase in ‘pothole’ breakdowns with January and February 2015 marked as the worst months for suspension spring call-outs.Aarons Autos pot holes derby

RAC patrols attended nearly 7,500 breakdowns in the first two months of the year compared to just over 4,000 suspension spring call-outs in 2014 and 2013 – the year that gave rise to so many potholes due to cold weather – nearly 5,600.

RAC Chief Engineer, David Bizley, said: “The sharp increase in suspension spring faults that we have seen across the country really does cast a cloud on the quality of our roads.”

With the replacement of suspension springs in an average vehicle costing up to £350, the RAC estimates that motorists are potentially facing a combined bill of more than £1 million each month – with the poor state of the UK’s roads to blame.

The problems caused by bad quality road surfaces are not confined to suspension springs either – shock absorbers can be affected, and tyres and wheels potentially damaged.

Estimates have placed the bill to repair the UK’s potholes at £12.16 billion and the repairs would take 13 years to complete.

Bizley added: “Experience tells us that these problems are normally worse in the first half of the year, so if numbers are still high come the summer we will know that local authorities are still struggling to get on top of the maintenance backlog.”

A Big Thank You To Our Sponsors.

We would like to say a big thank you to all of our sponsors new and old for their continued support in 2015 of our race team Norfolk n Chance, without their kind donations this race team would be little more than a dream.

We will be racing in a new series this year which is the 750 Motor Clubs Roadsports series, again it consists of 7 gruelling 45 minute endurance races with a 20 minute qualifying sessions.

The first race will be at Donington Park on the 28th March, but unfortunately Aaron will be racing solo as Dave is still injured and unable to race (not a happy fellow) updates of the race will be posted on our Facebook page so that sponsors and friends can keep up to date with the action.

Wilkinsons Coachworks Aarons Autos

Please click on the Logos to find out more about our sponsors.

MJ Boyce Aarons Autos

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